"From the end, spring new beginnings"
As 2012 draws to a close and a brand new year approaches I can't help but feel a huge weight off my shoulders. I feel like this is a new chance to dust off the old worries, the bad memories of this year and start afresh and full of hope. As a family we've had a pretty rough year, we had to move from our long term family home in May, to a new house and area which hit me hard (I'm a creature of habit) shortly afterwards I was diagnosed with Depression which was sort of known about and understood amongst myself and my partner for quite some time. Although it was the first time I had so openly asked anybody for help. We battled on and with the unconditional love from Jacob and support and love from Mike we made plans for a better future. We moved again, to a different city for a new job that didn't work out, and we moved again, at least 3 times, short term renting until we found a long term solution. Along the way we've battled suspected measles, bereavements, more vehicle breakdowns then I can even comprehend! a complete upheaval, staying in the homes of friends and family with all our lovely belongings in storage for months on end. Basically just a complete uncertainty of what our future held and where we were headed! That combined with depression is enough to send anyone completely barmy.
Fortunately with everything still intact and my head together(ish) I'm still being positive, looking to the future, we're moving into our new house (long term woohoo) in the first week of January and I absolutely cannot wait to get my stuff out of storage and build my family home again. Jacob is a new man (well, baby) walking, gibbering away, off the formula and generally a happy little goofball. Mike and I are still strong (and at times that hasn't always been the case!) but I think in life, you take each day as it comes. There is so much to be thankful for, so much fun and silliness in everything. Staying strong in life is the hardest thing in the world but when you do it and you come out the other side, you feel invincible.
So what have I learnt in 2012?
• Having mega toddler style tantrums DO NOT solve anything at all, ever.
• You'll never be able to keep up with the Jones's. Stop trying.
• Your kid is a happy little loon, stop worrying/analysing/wondering if everything you are doing is wrong/shit/stupid.
• Change isn't always bad.
• Go easy on yourself. You will never be able to please everyone. Just be yourself, be kind and try not to mess up (too much)
• Give more time to people who are important and less time to people that aren't (I learnt that lesson the hardest way - when it was too late)
And lastly, • LAUGHTER really is the best tonic!
So Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2013 brings you all love and luck xoxox
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