Anyways, since everybody has an opinion on "Motherisms" I've decided to share mine, my pet hates that us Parents say and do, and why...;
1) Alesha Dixon have birth recently to a beautiful baby girl Azure Sienna, when asked if fellow judge and mother Amanda Holden had given her any motherly advice Alesha said "Amanda has told me the key is to let the baby fit around your life, not you around the baby's"
This literally made me clench my fists and scream rage at the ceiling, really?? Really??? I just hate this. Sorry but you've chosen to have children therefore you should fit around them and make adjustments to your lifestyle to fit their needs. I can't imagine Alesha saying "Sorry, Azura babe but I go to gym at 9am on a Monday I don't give a fuck if your hungry, pipe down and just fit in will you?" Clearly, you can't do certain things as you used too and clearly times will be scheduled differently when you have a baby, as any mother knows. Amanda is talking out of her arse. As always.
2) This one is slightly controversial and I truly don't mean any offence, but has anyone ever said "After paying child care costs, I'm no better off from going to work, I just prefer it to sitting at home all day"
Now, even though I can see the appeal of this but genuinely the thought of going to work, even though I'm no better of financially just leaves me feeling a bit cold & confused? Without being rude, if the thought of spending long amounts of time with your child terrifies you, why did you have them?
If it pays financially, then of course, it's not cheap having a family and every penny matters. If you need some me time and to "challenge" yourself, work part time and then spend the rest of the time raising your children and appreciating the time with them that goes all too fast anyway. Parents that say "oh I can't do the whole mother groups and peppa pig thing" just irritate the hell out of me.
3rd) Sorry, not going to like this either (but to those mums who think they are keeping small coffee shops/pubs in business with your one latte a week and whole lot of tap water custom, your truly not. Sorry. Taking up a whole lot of space for 3 hours with prams and babies and buying one latte for the whole duration isn't helping anyone. I sat aghast one morning when I went to a coffee group where only two women (including me) bought a coffee, the ringleader mum then demanded from the manager that he brought over huge jugs of tap water for us all, we had taken up six big tables that could have been used for lunch service. Is that fair?
What you can do is go back at the weekend with your family and friends and spend money on lunches and dinners, that would be keeping the business's going. I know it sounds harsh but I've worked in hospitality a long time and I've seen the affect it can have. People generally repel going to busy mum cafés and the cafés don't make much from the mums, it's a vicious circle.
I battled with adding this one as I didn't want to offend all the lovely parents out there that actually support their local business's but I'm sick of hearing mums and actually any customer being rude and snooty saying "we pay your wages" when in fact sometimes it's the opposite.
Okay, enough ranting.
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